Master new languages naturally through science-backed learning methods
Start Learning NowStudy smarter, not harder. Our system shows you words at optimal intervals based on your performance, ensuring you learn efficiently and remember for longer.
Every word and sentence comes with clear audio from native speakers. Practice your pronunciation anytime to build confidence in speaking.
Learn vocabulary through practical example sentences. Understanding how words are used in real situations helps you remember them better and use them correctly.
Select your native language and the language you want to learn
Choose between A1 Beginner Deck (650 words) or Mixed Level Deck (1000+ words)
Pick how many cards you want to study at once
Review cards, mark them as remembered or forgotten, and track your progress
Consistent practice is key to language learning. Even 5 minutes a day will help you build and maintain your vocabulary better than longer, irregular sessions.
Practice pronunciation from day one. Listen to the audio before and after revealing the translation to train both your listening and speaking skills
Pay attention to how words are used in sentences. This helps you understand proper usage and makes it easier to remember vocabulary in conversations.
Only mark words as "Remembered" when you're confident about both their meaning and usage. This helps the app optimize your learning schedule.
Take control of your language learning with our proven spaced repetition system. Smart, effective, personalized.
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